Welcome to Parks Photos. If you're not sure how or why you're here, you need a good talking to, and this page is for you.

My original goal was to visit each of Pennsylvania's State Parks, and record the light in photographs, and perhaps some thoughts in a blog. That was the beginning of the snowball that developed down a much larger landscape. Now I can admit that I don't really know what I'm doing, and it's going much better.

Most photos within are the result of an on-the-go approach to the craft. By that I mean I rarely if ever have a particular photo in mind when I visit an area, but rather rely on something that seems to come from within provided I stay out of thy way. We'll call it Creativity, and there'll be more about it in the blog.

At the top of each main page of the website you will find links that will bring you back here, take you to the PA State Parks page, the other Parks page, and the National Parks page, where you can find links to my photos from all of those magnificent places. The Galleries link will take you to a page of links to all (or most) of the galleries on Parks Photos. For the most recent outings see the Chronology Page. As implied, in addition to the photos the domain name infers, there will be a blog of some sort where... well, who knows what I'll talk about? To find out, click on the Blah-Blog button. The Links link is to a page that provides links to friends' websites, as well as some charities for you to consider. Nudge me here to add your site.

In addition to the 7 links at the top of each main page, below is a list of other pages for your quick investigation.

PA State Parks (8 parks were visited enough to warrant their own page):

National Parks (12 parks were visited enough to warrant their own page):

States Pages (6 states were visited enough to warrant their own page):

The 'other" Page (a collection of galleries from nowhere)

Other countries

Please contact me with any suggestions, additions or omissions. 

Visit my Buy Stuff page for special requests or arranged payments.

..and here's a list of the gear I use.